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How to Customize Presenter

How to Customize Presenter¤

Let's define a presenter that simply outputs the location of the query that occurs the most.

Create a class that inherits the BasePresenter.¤

from django_query_capture.presenter import BasePresenter

class MostQueryLocationPresenter(BasePresenter):

Refer to the property of ClassifiedQuery to get the most common similar.¤

Refined properties refer to ClassifiedQuery, and individual properties such as sql and duration refer to ClassifiedQuery's CapturedQuery.

from django_query_capture.presenter import BasePresenter

class MostSimilarQueryLocationPresenter(BasePresenter):
  def print(self):
    captured_query, counter = self.classified_query['most_common_similar'][0]  # Get the counters of the most duplicated items. (Refer to typehint).
    if captured_query:
        print(f'[{captured_query["function_name"]}, {captured_query["file_name"]}:{captured_query["line_no"]}], duplicates {counter} times.')

Import the Presenter defined in Settings.¤


  "PRESENTER": "some.path.MostQuerySimilarLocationPresenter",

It's done!¤

from django_query_capture import  query_capture

from news.models import Reporter

def some_view():
    for reporter in Reporter.objects.all():
        for article in reporter.article_set.all():
            # ...

# Output
# [some_function,], similar 20 times.

Last update: January 18, 2022