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API Reference¤

It plays a role in capturing raw data and where the query occurred when the query first occurred.
Just put data and do nothing. It can be used as Decorator with Context.
In the entire flow, CapturedQuery receives the data and sends it to ClassifiedQuery.
Classified data can be displayed in the Presenter.


A data class that adds the time and place of occurrence to the data that comes out when you capture Query in django.
How to extract this data class will be described below.

name description example
sql SQL to which parameters are applied 'INSERT INTO "news_reporter" ("full_name") VALUES (target-1)'
raw_sql SQL to which parameters are not applied 'INSERT INTO "news_reporter" ("full_name") VALUES (%s)'
raw_params Parameters to be used for SQL ['target-1']
many a bool indicating whether the ultimately invoked call is execute() or executemany() (and whether params is expected to be a sequence of values, or a sequence of sequences of values). False
duration Query execution time. 4.712500000003672e-05
file_name The file where the query was executed. ''
function_name A function in which the query was executed. 'test_capture_query_in_context_manager'
line_no Row number where the query was executed. 16
context a dictionary with further data about the context of invocation. This includes the connection and cursor.


a dictionary with further data about the context of invocation. This includes the connection and cursor.
For more information, please check the official document of Django.


Both Context and Decorator are supported, but nothing happens when used as a Decorator.
If you use it as Context, you can use the content of CapturedQuery.


The highest level of module.
It is a module responsible for both query capture, classification, and output.

It has both low-level CapturedQuery data and ClassifiedQuery data.
Real-time data can only be obtained when used as Context Manager.


from django_query_capture import query_capture

def my_view(request):
Context Manager
from django_query_capture import query_capture

with query_capture() as capture:
    print(len(capture.captured_queries))  # console: 1

Last update: January 18, 2022